Josh Bernard
Project Superintendent
I was born in Roseburg and raised in the Sierra Nevadas in Twain Harte, California. Twain Harte was named after two famous authors who lived in California, Mark Twain and Bret Harte. My twin sister and I attended school in Twain Harte until 9th grade, and then moved back to Roseburg to attend high school.
When I was young, my dad was a general contractor, who built spec houses. That’s what first got me interested in construction. My father is no longer a contractor, but my interest in building continued.
After graduating high school, my family moved to Portland where I started doing some small construction jobs. I then worked for a framing contractor for ten years, while also bartending on the side. When the economic downturn hit, I decided to go back to school. I attended Portland State University, where I got a Bachelor of Science degree in supply chain logistics. This knowledge fit well with my construction experience. After graduating, my wife and I bought a house. Believe it or not, our Realtor introduced me to one of the owners of Essex. What good fortune – I had a new home and found a great job.
When I’m not working, I enjoy doing hands on work and building things. I help friends and family out with projects whenever I can. I also enjoy snowboarding, but by far, my favorite hobby is golfing. When it’s not snowing and I’m not building things, your likely to find me on a golf course.