A great thing to do when the tool belt comes off
Melissa Dieckhoff
Project Manager
I grew up in residential construction, and decided to pursue construction as a career. After high school, I earned an Associates Degree in drafting and engineering technology. My professional experience includes detailing commercial cabinetry, and working in a steel fabrication shop, initially as the Sales and Estimating Coordinator and eventually becoming a Project Engineer. I even worked as a CNA at a hospital during the recession, but quickly returned to construction when jobs were more plentiful. All these experiences prepared me well for my work as a Project Engineer at Essex.
When I’m not working you might find me with tools in hand, doing construction projects with my husband on our own property or helping our family. We both enjoy the outdoors, so when the tool belts come off, we like to go hunting, fishing, and camping. Living in the Willamette Valley provides us great access to outdoor experiences from the coast to the Cascade mountains and beyond.